Tuesday 8 May 2012

Wine and Peach

This is a picture of Wine in a glass. There is a straw sticking out of the glass. Also, there is a peach.

Monday 16 April 2012

The Origin of the Marvelous Mindsweeper!

Hi, I'm HomeSchoolGurl's Dad and I asked if I could write a post about the Origin of the Marvelous Mindsweeper! What you see below is the first earth shattering and amazing issue of HomeSchoolGurl's full-size comic series (issue #2 is even more earth shattering and amazing but I don't know if she'll post it online since it might crash the entire Internet with it's awesomeness!).

I got the Origin of the Marvelous Mindsweeper! as a birthday present and I haven't been able to put it down.

You'll see that our hero lives a slightly humdrum existence performing for a circus troupe, harmlessly reading or "sweeping" peoples minds with their permission. It's a cool act, popular, exciting, but ultimately boring for our hero who wishes for a more full filling existence. Then he meets the mysterious Star Girl (the cover gives you a hint!) and resigns from circus life. What will come next? You'll have to wait and see, and while you wait checkout the cool full colour pinup of Star Girl!

Tuesday 27 March 2012

Sketch of Woman's Face

I did this picture at my brother's art table near the kitchen I didn't think it was much, just another quickly crayoned picture. But my father liked it and so here it is. The media is purple crayon on paper.  
I'll post again soon.

Thursday 15 March 2012


This is a picture of the Earth; It was created to go with Creation myth #2, the four People. But I liked it better loose. The words on the side say: Watercolour Pencil, Water, Colour Pencil, Art pen, Pencil. I drew the picture with a pencil. Went over it with an art pen. Coloured it with Watercolour Pencils. And went over that with water. the Duck is coloured with a plain Pencil crayon.
I'll post again soon.

Wednesday 14 March 2012

Port Holes and Planetoids

This is a picture of some port holes and some planetoids. The multi-coloured  circles are the  port holes. They take you to whole diferent worlds (the '100 acre woods' doesn't sound like a different world, but where have we found it on this Earth?).
In the picture I have port holes to Oz, the 100 acre woods, and the receiving end of Earth. The planetoids are the houses, trees, and fences. I imagine this is much like what happened too Dorothy in The Wizard of Oz.
I'll post again soon.

Friday 17 February 2012

The Four People

This story is about how Drana made the people. This is more like a bible reading then a myth. I'll post again soon.

Wednesday 15 February 2012

The Cat in the Hat

 This is a picture I did for my younger brothers.  It is of the Cat in the Hat, Thing One and Thing Two, and the fish.  The medium is pencil.
                I'll post again soon.

Sunday 12 February 2012

Gnomes of Windy Hollow

 This is a watercolour pencil and brush picture of felted gnomes and a fairy. The gnomes are modelled after some figures my Mom felted, and this is why they have no faces. 
I like the contrast of the figures next to the Oak leaf. Below is a close up of the fairy because her flowers are one of my favourite parts of the picture.  I'll post again soon.

Wednesday 8 February 2012

Vikings' Remembrance Poem

 Vikings' Remembrance Poem

     Let all thy men,
Hath died in war,
     Be seateth in Valhalla.

     But those who've died,
Of Ills and Pains,
     Rule in the dark with Hella.

                             ---Homeschoolgurl (Feb.7, 2012)

"Bluebird and Cardinal Over Marsh"

This is a water colour panting I did this past weekend-- its called "Bluebird and Cardinal Over Marsh". In it two birds are flying over a grassy Marsh. I especially like the Cardinal but my dad prefers the BlueBird. I hope you like it and I'll post again soon.


Wednesday 1 February 2012

Monkey Stories #2: Birthday

This is my second issue of Monkey Stories. In this one, Monkey wakes up at 6 am, and in the attempt to find a balloon  pulls a lot of plates out of the kitchen cuboard. Then entering the craft room, Monkey cuts shapes from paper and glues them together to make a card. Then, monkey gets a present out of his drawer.

His Mom wakes up at 8 am, and goes into the kitchen and sees the plates Monkey left on the counter. She is not happy! Then she goes into the craft room and sees string from the balloon and a big mess of glue, paper, tape and crayons. Later Monkey gives her the balloon the card and present, because its her birthday!

I'll post again soon.

Tuesday 31 January 2012

Monkey Stories #1: Glue! Glue! Glue!

This is the first Monkey Stories I ever did. Normally the pages are stapled together like a comic book, but my Dad took the staples out to scan the pages.

This story is about Monkey in the craft room working with glue! His Mom yells to him from the living room asking him if he's making a mess, and as you can see, he fibs. Monkey cuts shapes from construction paper and glues them to the wall, he's proud of his work, but, all his Mom sees is a BIG mess! Other stories get more complicated, but I like this one because it shows that Monkey is like all of us in many ways.

I'll post again soon.

Monday 30 January 2012

Welcome to my MONKEYSTORIESGIRL blog!

Welcome to my MONKEYSTORIESGIRL blog! Back in June I went to the park with my Mom and brother and created Zines with the Art Bikers (check them out here) and ever since then I've been drawing and writing my own comic strip. It's called Monkey Stories and I hope to put then all on this blog for you to read. I have a lot of fun drawing and writing Monkey Stories so I hope you have fun reading them.

To start my blog off I drew and wrote a creation myth, something from the world of Monkey himself (he's the main character in Monkey Stories) . What's a creation myth? Please go to Wikipedia and find out. There are lots of different kinds of creation myths. I hope you like this one:
I know it might be hard to read the scan of the story so just click on the image and it will open up bigger--I'll post again soon.